How to make a mechanic (With example!) - matan1905/GameMechanicManager GitHub Wiki
In this example we would learn how to make a mechanic! and we will make a Fishing mechanic along the way.
The way this page explains is:
- "Abstract" what to do
- code example with a simple Fishing mechanic
So first of all, write the possible lifecycle of your mechanic(it could save a lot of time and rewriting)
Fishing mechanic (Game developer perspective):
The player would start fishing. which will wait a random amount of time and then show a subtle indicator of a fish biting for a small window of time, if the player recognized it and pulled the fishing rod in time he will get a fish! otherwise if the player pull too early or too late he will get nothing!
To make a mechanic, first make sure you have Defined the following:
- Events and their arguments (and callback arguments, if any)
- Notifications and their arguments.
- Any possible setting and their defaults
Fishing mechanic events and notifications:
* start_fishing (no arguments,no callback arguments)
-When the player starts fishing
* cancel_fishing (no arguments,no callback arguments)
-When the player no longer desire fishing
* pull_rod (no arguments,callback arguments: boolean: caught a fish)
-The player has decided to pull the fishing rod to see if a fish has bite the bait
* fish_bite
-A fish has bitten the bait! tell the game to show their indication
* fish_rod_window_time (10 seconds)
-The amount of time the player could still pull his fishing rod
* min_fishing_time (5 seconds)
-Minimum time the player needs to wait before any fish will start biting
* max_fishing_time (15 seconds)
-Maximum time the player needs to wait before any fish will start biting
after you have defined those you need to create your class , extend GameMechanic and implement required methods and write your logic.
Pay attention to the comments:
import com.opedea.GameMechanicManager;
import com.opedea.datasource.DataSource;
import com.opedea.mechanics.EventReceiver;
import com.opedea.mechanics.GameMechanic;
import com.opedea.mechanics.Settings;
public class FishingMechanicExample extends GameMechanic {
//These are the settings
private float windowTime;
private float minFishingTime;
private float maxFishingTime;
private boolean fishing=false;//Whether the player is fishing or not
private float timePassed=0;//the time passed in seconds
private boolean fishInBait=false;//whether a fish is eating the bait or not
private float fishTime;//a random value between min-max fishing time, used to tell when a fish is biting in a simple manner
//Using the event receivers as fields makes the code look cleaner in my opinion, Do as you please though!
EventReceiver startFishing = new EventReceiver() {
public void receive(Callback callback, Object... objects) {
EventReceiver cancelFishing = new EventReceiver() {
public void receive(Callback callback, Object... objects) {
EventReceiver pullRod = new EventReceiver() {
public void receive(Callback callback, Object... objects) {
callback.callback(fishing&&fishInBait);//returns if the player got himself a fish
//Reset everything and get ready to a new session
private void reset(){
fishTime = (float) (Math.random()*maxFishingTime +minFishingTime);//a random value between min and max
//Overriding a none abstract method to keep track of the time.
//It is important to use gameMechanicManager.tick() in the main game loop for this to work!
public void tick(float delta) {
if(fishing) {//we don't want to do this while the player isn't fishing
timePassed += delta;//updating the time
if(timePassed-fishTime >= 0){
//it's biting time!
getGameMechanicManager().sendNotification("fish_bite",null);//sends the notification
} else{
//the player missed his chance! the fish escaped
protected void registerAllEvents(GameMechanicManager gmm) {
protected void loadModels(DataSource dataSource) {
//Unused for this example as we don't need persistent data storage
protected void loadSettings(Settings settings) {
//Any setting that doesn't exist already will be created.
//All values are Strings, so we need to parse them first.
windowTime = Float.parseFloat(settings.getSetting("fish_rod_window_time","10"));
minFishingTime = Float.parseFloat(settings.getSetting("min_fishing_time","5"));
maxFishingTime = Float.parseFloat(settings.getSetting("max_fishing_time","15"));
public void reloadSettings(Settings settings) {
//this gets called everytime the developer desires to reload the settings, because we might need to reload all of the
//settings, might as well just forward it to the regular loadSettings(but remember you can force settings to only be reloaded after restart).
And there you have it!
in the page "how to implement a mechanic" we will go through how to implement this very mechanic in a game