Drawing non layered tidy trees in linear time - massimo-nocentini/Booklet-DSst GitHub Wiki
The publication subject of this page has the following reference
van der Ploeg, A. (2014), Drawing non-layered tidy trees in linear time,
Softw. Pract. Exper., 44, pages 1467– 1484, doi: 10.1002/spe.2213
which is the starting point to enhance our own Smalltalk class RSVanDerPloegTreeLayout
to be faster by coding the core algorithm direclty in C and using Lua as intermediate for both describing the tree nodes and interfacing with C.
We represent the tree used in the paper as case study to spot the core points of the algorithms looks like either
Spec | Vertically | Horizontally |
if oriented vertically or horizontally.
According to the issue https://github.com/Klortho/d3-flextree/issues/1, we take the same fix as done in https://github.com/Klortho/d3-flextree/blob/af196220927218bbe7ac6cad8e059f56430befb6/src/flextree.js#L242, so both
Spec | Layout |
Spec | Layout |
show the fix of such a patch.
Compact | Depth gaps | Breadth gaps | Both gaps |
During the computation, the algorithm allows us to collect pairs of nodes that belongs to different contours of subtrees. Such pairs can be used to detect empty areas within the whole tree; for the sake of clarity, consider the following tree
where shapes highlighted in red are empty areas.
The implementation is split over the following components
, for the C implementation we refer to https://github.com/massimo-nocentini/non-layered-tidy-trees.c. -
, the corresponding Lua layer https://github.com/massimo-nocentini/non-layered-tidy-trees.lua, in turn. -
, then both of them are used in https://github.com/massimo-nocentini/non-layered-tidy-trees.st which runs the tests and exports pictures.
As required by the issue https://github.com/massimo-nocentini/non-layered-tidy-trees.st/issues/1, we try to answer in the following subsections.
Assume we have a sequence
In order to feed those values to the layout algorithm efficiently and to get results back, efficiently as well, we describe a schema based on a flat array of double
values with the following structure
because with one for
loop we can fill a tree_t
structure easily: let i
be the variable of the for
loop, so the width w
is M[i]
, the height h
is M[i + n]
and the margin m
is M[i + 2*n]
, provided that M
is the array of double
In order to support both vertical and horizontal gaps, another flat array of double
values with the following structure
is allocated in linear time, again: let i
be the variable of the for
loop, so the gap's width w
is G[i]
and the gap's height h
is G[i + n]
, provided that G
is the array of double
That structure will be reused by the algorithm to provide the computed coordinates
filled again at the cost of one for
loop, as required.
Additionally, we have to allocate int
values to encode the tree relation defined by the
structured as follows by collecting indexes
provided that
where the function
local spec = {
["doC6dnl"] = { w = 84.09333333333333, h = 21, c = {}, },
["doC6eyv"] = { w = 328.0, h = 32.9, c = {}, },
["doCh0k5"] = { w = 185.94666666666663, h = 21, c = {}, },
["foCcmsslw7m"] = { w = 88.696, h = 25, c = {"doC6eyv","doCh0k5",}, },
["foCcmsslw7o"] = { w = 107.41600000000001, h = 25, c = {}, },
["foCcmsslw7p"] = { w = 97.70400000000001, h = 25, c = {}, },
["doC87sh"] = { w = 259.32, h = 21, c = {}, },
["doC87si"] = { w = 285.84000000000003, h = 21, c = {}, },
["doC87u6"] = { w = 87.88000000000001, h = 21, c = {}, },
["doC87ug"] = { w = 225.81333333333333, h = 21, c = {}, },
["doC87uv"] = { w = 186.0533333333333, h = 21, c = {}, },
["doC87vr"] = { w = 178.34666666666666, h = 21, c = {}, },
["foCcmsslw7q"] = { w = 161.56, h = 25, c = {}, },
["foCcmsslw7n"] = { w = 255.19200000000004, h = 25, c = {"doC87sh","doC87si","doC87u6","doC87ug","doC87uv","doC87vr","foCcmsslw7q",}, },
["foCcmssi4sv"] = { w = 337.8666666666666, h = 46, c = {"doC6dnl","foCcmsslw7m","foCcmsslw7o","foCcmsslw7p","foCcmsslw7n",}, },
that is used in the current implementation. We can translate the values in the two memory chunks as follows:
doC6dnl |
doC6eyv |
doCh0k5 |
foCcmsslw7m |
foCcmsslw7o |
foCcmsslw7p |
doC87sh |
doC87si |
doC87u6 |
doC87ug |
doC87uv |
doC87vr |
foCcmsslw7q |
foCcmsslw7n |
foCcmssi4sv |
for the sake of completeness, the tree's root is item
as required. The algorithm consumes such specification and produces coordinates for us to position some shapes as an horizontally-oriented tree
by the way, we have encountered this tree already in section Detecting empty areas.
The previous example can be encoded using the C# language as follows:
internal class Program
[DllImport("libnonlayeredtidytrees.so", EntryPoint = "layout_api")]
static extern void layout_api(int n, double[] wh, double[] whg, int[] children, int rooti,
int vertically, int centeredxy, double x, double y);
private static void Main(string[] args)
int n = 15;
var wh = new double[] {
84.09333333333333, 328.0,185.94666666666663,88.696, 107.41600000000001 ,97.70400000000001,259.32,285.84000000000003,87.88000000000001,225.81333333333333, 186.0533333333333,178.34666666666666 ,161.56,255.19200000000004,337.8666666666666,
21.0, 32.9,21.0,25.0,25.0,25.0,21.0,21.0,21.0,21.0,21.0,21.0,25.0,25.0,46.0,
var gap = new double[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
var children = new int[] { 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 5, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1, 4, 5, 6, 14 };
layout_api(n, wh, gap, children, 14, 0, 1, 0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} @ {2}", i, wh[i], wh[i + n]);
Obtaining the output in the console as a sequence of points:
0: 379.9133333333333 @ 10.5
1: 590.5626666666666 @ 20.025000000000002
2: 519.536 @ 46.975
3: 382.21466666666663 @ 33.5
4: 391.57466666666664 @ 73.97500000000001
5: 386.71866666666665 @ 102.97500000000002
6: 722.7186666666666 @ 67.97500000000001
7: 735.9786666666666 @ 88.97500000000001
8: 636.9986666666667 @ 109.97500000000001
9: 705.9653333333333 @ 130.97500000000002
10: 686.0853333333333 @ 151.97500000000002
11: 682.232 @ 172.97500000000002
12: 673.8386666666667 @ 195.97500000000002
13: 465.4626666666666 @ 131.97500000000002
14: 168.9333333333333 @ 71.23750000000001
For the sake of clarity, the above code has been tested on Ubuntu using the libnonlayeredtidytrees.so
shared library but we provide
the counter part for Windows too (please check the artifacts of the latest successful release at https://github.com/massimo-nocentini/non-layered-tidy-trees.c/releases/latest). The code binds over the layout_api
function that
is the API to use the algorithm. Here is a complete C# interface:
private Dictionary<DiagramShape, Point> Layout(Dictionary<DiagramShape, List<DiagramShape>> children, Dictionary<DiagramShape, int> indexes, DiagramShape rootNode)
int n = indexes.Count();
var wh = new double[n * 3];
var gap = new double[n * 2];
foreach (var node in indexes.Keys)
var i = indexes[node] - 1;
var i_n = i + n;
wh[i] = node.Width;
wh[i_n] = node.Height;
wh[i_n + n] = node == rootNode ? 0.0 : 10.0;
gap[i] = node == rootNode ? 0.0 : 10.0;
gap[i_n] = 0.0;
var child = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) child[i] = 0;
var rev = new Dictionary<int, int[]>();
foreach (var node in children.Keys)
var i = indexes[node] - 1;
child[i] = children[node].Count();
var chunk = new List<int>();
foreach (var c in children[node])
rev.Add(indexes[node], chunk.ToArray());
var rel = new List<int>(child);
var l = rev.Keys.ToList<int>();
l.ForEach(x => rel.AddRange(rev[x]));
layout_api(n, wh, gap, rel.ToArray(), indexes[rootNode], 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0);
Dictionary<DiagramShape, Point> positions = new Dictionary<DiagramShape, Point>();
foreach (var node in indexes.Keys)
var i = indexes[node] - 1;
positions.Add(node, new Point(wh[i], wh[i + n]));
//Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} @ {2}", i, wh[i], wh[i + n]);
return positions;
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("lib\\libnonlayeredtidytrees.dll", EntryPoint = "layout_api")]
static extern void layout_api(int n, double[] wh, double[] whg, int[] children, int rooti,
int vertically, int centeredxy, double x, double y);
The following message shows how the abstract framework can be reified,
On the biggest tree we possess we observe the following running times:
Another approach could be to produce a string representation of the specification, have a look at https://github.com/massimo-nocentini/non-layered-tidy-trees.st/blob/master/lua-test-data/big-tree.lua for a big tree with 25416 nodes. Then such a string has to be interpreted as a Lua chunk via the message LibLua>>#luaL_loadstring:chunk:
available in https://github.com/massimo-nocentini/LibLua-st, then proceed as usual.
Finally, we can use again the FFI library https://github.com/massimo-nocentini/LibLua-st directly to build the specification table with the inner tables filled by the required values. Messages like LibLua>>#lua:create:table:
, LibLua>>#lua:set:field:
and more in general LibLua>>#on:push:
are already provided by our own repo.
Many thanks to Richard Uttner for ideas, corrections and inspiration of fine tricks about optimizations.