TideSDK Project Feature Comparison - masonzhang/TideSDK GitHub Wiki

Feature comparison

The following matrix provides a comparison of core TideSDK Projects:

Feature TideSDK-JS (incubating) TideSDK-QT (incubating) TideSDK-CL (existing) TideSDK-NET (incubating)
MacOSX, Windows, and Linux Cross Platform X X X X
Standard Tide API X X X X
Develop Using HTML, JS, CSS X X X X
NodeJS and Node modules X X X [1] X [1]
Python, PHP, Ruby Language Support X X
Develop using a Scripting Language with thin JS, CSS, HTML Front End X X
Scripting Language Support Available in DOM X X
CLR Language Support X [2]
Window native support on CLR for Metro and Mobile 8 X
iOS and Android Support for Tablet and Mobile X [3] X [4] X
Apple App Store Acceptance X X X


[1] NodeJS embedded and running in a separate process.
[2] CLR Languages include and not limited to Boo, IronPython, IronRuby, IronJS, IronPHP, IronLua, Nua, C#, F#, P#, A#, Nemiere, etc.
[3] Android only
[4] Not a current capability

Copyright and Attribution

The following copyright and attribution applies to this document:

  • Copyright © 2012 David Pratt (for TideSDK). All rights reserved.


  • David Pratt
  • Daegulaus
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