Command line options - mas802/statdoc GitHub Wiki

Statdoc accepts the following command line options:

switch argument effect version
-o --output path sets the output directory to this path instead of currentdir/statdoc < 0.9.2
-s --source path sets the source directory to thsi path instead of current directory < 0.9.2
-vc --version-check version number checks whether this is a specific version and prints a warning otherwise < 0.9.2
-i --initialise none replaces the configuration and template files if present < 0.9.2
-c --clear none clears the entire output directory before proceeding < 0.9.2
-d --derived-clear none clears the derived folder before proceeding < 0.9.2
-r --statdoc-run do-file runs a specified do file as a lone @statdocrun job > 0.9.3-beta
-a --analyse-data dta file produces an overview html page for a single data file > 0.9.2-beta