Features List - maryelizbeth/store_engine GitHub Wiki

Base Expectations


  1. As an authenticated Administrator, I can:
    • Retire a product from being sold, which hides it from browsing by any non-administrator
    • View an Order Dashboard where:
      1. See a Listing of total orders with:

        • the total number of orders by status
        • links for each individual order
        • filter orders to display by status type (for statuses "pending", "cancelled", "paid", "shipped", "returned")
        • link to transition to a different status.
      2. Access details of an individual order, including:

        • Order date and time
        • Purchaser full name and email address
        • For each product on the order * Name with link to product page * Quantity * Price * Line item subtotal
        • Total for the order
        • Status of the order
        • Links to transition to other statuses as explained above


  1. As a Public User, I can:

Security and Usability

Unauthenticated Users

  1. Allowed To
  2. Not Allowed To

Authenticated Non-Admins

  1. Allowed To
  2. Not Allowed To


  1. Allowed To
  2. Not Allowed To

Data Validity


  • An order must be for one or more of one or more products currently being sold