Week 1, A Rainy Day - maryakem/llearncode GitHub Wiki
In our first week please spend a little time on getting to know github.
- Set up your github account or affiliate a current one
- Visit Thimble Rainy Day project https://webmaker.org/en-US/search?type=user&q=artychan and complete that tutorial
- For Bonus marks: Edit this wiki! eg. If you can commit to helping maybe set up week by week pages for the text below.
=== Week 2 ===
Tool of the week Codeacademy review === Week 3 === Syntax
=== Week 4 === Stack overflow
=== Week 5 === Python script in a shell command line
=== Week 6 === PERL
=== Week 7 ===
=== Week 8 ===
=== Week 9 ===
=== Week 10 ===