GUI - martymcmodding/ReShade-Guide GitHub Wiki
GUI Overview
This page goes into detail about the most important parts of the UI and how to use them.
This is the, well, home tab on the GUI and here is where most of your tweaking is going on.
The top part (1) shows you all available techniques (2). A technique is one contained group of shaders that does a singular thing, e.g. adjust saturation, apply bloom, turn the image red or such. Most effect files (.fx) contain only one technique but there are some rare effects that have multiple techniques. For brevity, just assume that a technique = a graphical effect to apply.
The bottom part (3) shows you a list of all control knobs for each enabled technique. In the example picture, Advanced CRT is enabled, hence the control knobs for this effect show up at the bottom.
A ReShade preset is comprised of the list of activated techniques, their order and the settings of their control knobs. The currently active preset is shown at the very top.
This tab contains ReShade specific control knobs. This guide won't cover all of them, only the most important ones. Overlay key is the hotkey/macro that brings up the ReShade GUI. In case you forget what this was set to, the startup overlay shows you which key it is currently assigned to. Default is HOME / POS1.
Effect Toggle Key toggles all currently enabled effects on and off.
Effect Reload Key will make ReShade reload and recompile all found effects.
Input Processing tells ReShade what to do with the keyboard and mouse input. It is recommended to set this to "Block input when cursor is on overlay" - this way you can navigate the GUI without accidentally triggering something in the game but you can navigate the game without having to close the ReShade GUI.
Effect/Texture search paths are the lists of the folders where ReShade will search for effect files to load. All techniques you see in the Home tab are the ones inside the effect files ReShade found in the folders set here. For reference, textures are just image files some effects require to function. Should you have added custom folders here, press the Effect Reload Key to make ReShade rebuild the list of found effects.
The log gives you useful information about what happens behind the scenes. Should you encounter any shader problems or if ReShade crashing your game, this log data can be vital to find the culprit. If you report a problem with ReShade anywhere , people will always ask you for the log. Note that yellow hints are warnings, these don't usually cause any problems and can be ignored by you, as they are mostly a hint that a shader is doing something it is not supposed to but ReShade knows how to handle it. So warnings are for the shader developer to fix.
API Tab (DX9, DX10, DX11, DX12, OpenGL, Vulkan)
The name of this tab depends on what rendering API the game is currently using. It provides some settings to experiment with, should ReShade not find the correct depth buffer, which is vital for many effects to work. More information can be found here.
This tab contains information about the performance cost of active shaders, current fps, hardware vendor IDs and more. This tab is almost entirely for shader developers, as a user you will never have to visit this page.
Listed for completeness. A list of all used libraries and required license attributions.