Units - martintrojer/frinj GitHub Wiki
Frinj keeps tracks of units, 2 kinds of prefixes and fundamental units.
All fjv's are always normalised to fundamental units to make it possible to add, multiply and convert them.
* length m meter
* mass kg kilogram
* time s second
* current A ampere
* luminous_intensity cd candela
* substance mol mole
* temperature K Kelvin
* information bit bit
* currency USD U.S. dollar
It's worth pointing out that these fundamental units are configurable (see units.txt), i.e. not hardcoded.
Prefixes are units-less factors that are multiplied to the units. There are 2 kinds of prefixes, normal and standalone. A normal prefix can only "prefix" a unit name where-as standalone prefix can be used as both a prefix and a unit.
(fj :cm)
is prefix c + unit m. Being 1/100 * m(fj :c)
is the unit speed of light (299792458 m/s)(fj :m)
is unit m(fj :kilo)
is a standalone prefix of value 1000(fj :kilobit)
is 1000 of unit bits
Frinj tries to pick the longest prefix name that results in a valid prefix + unit combination. If no valid combination is found, frinj will treat the input as a new unit.
Only one prefix can by used before a unit name; :ccm
is not centi-centi-meter, but the unit called ccm
. (fj :centi :cm)
is a centi-centi-meter.
Most of the units come in both singular and plural form. So :meter
and :meters
is the same.
Finding units / fundamentals
There are 2 functions to search the units database.
Takes a string and returns a sequence of results
user> (clojure.pprint/print-table (find-units "moon"))
| :name | :unit |
| moonlum | 2500 cd m^-2 [illuminance] |
| moongravitys | 1.62 m s^-2 [acceleration] |
| moondist | 3.844E8 m [length] |
| moondists | 3.844E8 m [length] |
| moongravity | 1.62 m s^-2 [acceleration] |
| moonlums | 2500 cd m^-2 [illuminance] |
| moonradius | 1738000 m [length] |
| moonmass | 7.3483E22 kg [mass] |
Takes a string and returns a sequence of results
user> (clojure.pprint/print-table (find-fundamentals "mass"))
| :name | :unit |
| concentration_by_mass | {"mol" 1, "kg" -1} |
| price_per_mass | {"kg" -1, "dollar" 1} |
| reciprocal_linear_mass_density | {"kg" -1, "m" 1} |
| mass | {"kg" 1} |
| linear_mass_density | {"m" -1, "kg" 1} |
| molar_mass | {"mol" -1, "kg" 1} |
| mass_density | {"kg" 1, "m" -3} |