Live Unit Feeds - martintrojer/frinj GitHub Wiki

Frinj support live feeds of units and conversion factors for non-static units such as currency exchange rates.

The frinj.feeds namespace implements the utility functions shared by the different feeds (existing and future).

The feeds share a single ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor on which they register functions to be called periodically. Feeds can be started and stopped individually and cancelled all together.

Currently Frinj comes with these unit feeds;

  • Currency Conversion

Units uses the 3 letter ISO 4217 acronym (all capital)

  • Precious Metals

Units uses the capitalised name; Gold, Palladium, Platinum, Silver

  • Industrial Metals

Units uses the capitalised name; Aluminum, Copper, Lead etc...

  • Agrarian Commodities

Units uses the capitalised name; Cotton, Cocoa, Sugar etc...


user=> (use 'frinj.repl)
user=> (str (fj 10 :thousand :SEK :to :GBP))   ;; standard currency conversion
"937.1075201531269 [dimensionless]"
user=> (str (fj :Gold :per :Silver))           ;; Gold vs Silver price
"49.95612708018155 [dimensionless]"
user=> (str (fj :Milk))
"0.3659673552268969 dollar kg^-1 [price_per_mass]"