css • Bootstrap 4.4 - martindubenet/wed-dev-design GitHub Wiki

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Bootstrap v.4.4 !!!OBSOLETE!!!


  1. Bootstrap typography demo.
  2. Bootstrap colors demo.

Cheat Sheets

  1. v.4 Grid break points graph .pdf
  2. All SASS mixins


  1. _utilities.scss
  2. _variables.scss

Utility classes for Atomic CSS

The following data has been copy/pasted from the official documentation in order to find quickly what I'm looking for.

Context Classes Description
Borders border.
● single side border: border-top, border-right, border-bottom, border-left.
● border-color: border border-primary, border border-warning, etc…

- border-radius: rounded VS rounded-0.
● border-radius on specific corners: rounded-top, rounded-right, rounded-bottom, rounded-left.
● border-radius styles: rounded-circle, rounded-pill.
● border-radius on @breakpoints: rounded-sm, rounded-md, rounded-lg, rounded-xl.
Border-radius are set via the rounded set of classes.
Clearfix clearfix
Close Icon close
Colors within contexts ● Red: text-danger, btn-danger, bg-danger, border-danger
● Yellow: text-warning, btn-warning, bg-warning, border-warning
● Blue: text-info, btn-info, bg-info, border-info
● Green: text-success, btn-success, bg-success, border-success
● Light gray: text-light (white), btn-light, bg-light, border-light
● Dark gray: text-dark, btn-dark, bg-dark, border-dark
● White: text-white, bg-white
Null: text-muted, bg-transparent
Other available colors are brand’s primary & secondary sets.
See more Basic Bootstrap UI colors
Display d-block, d-inline-block, d-inlined-table, d-table-cell, d-table-rowd-flex, d-inline-flexd-print-*, d-print-none
Embeds embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9 on the container + on the child <iframe class="embed-responsive-item"> Available ratios are …-21by9, …-16by9, …-4by3 or …-1by1 for squares.
Flex d-flex OR d-inline-flexflex-row, flex-row-reverse VS flex-column, flex-column-reversejustify-content-start, justify-content-end, justify-content-center, justify-content-between, justify-content-aroundalign-items-start, align-items-end, align-items-center, align-items-baseline, align-items-stretchflex-wrap, flex-wrap-reverse, flex-nowrap

align-self-start, align-self-end, align-self-center, align-self-baseline, align-self-stretchflex-fillflex-grow-* VS flex-shrink-*order-*align-content-start, align-content-end, align-content-center, align-content-between, align-content-around
Float float-right, float-sm-leftfloat-none Toggle floats on any element, across any breakpoint.
Image Replacement text-hide Use this class to replace text content by a surrounding image.
Overflow overflow-autooverflow-hidden
Position position-absolute, position-fixed, position-relative, position-static, position-stickyfixed-top, fixed-bottomsticky-top
Screen Readers sr-only sr-only-focusable Use this class to hide elements on ALL devices except ONLY screen readers.
Shadows shadow, shadow-small, shadow-lgshadow-none Add or remove shadows to elements with box-shadow utilities.
Sizing height: h-25, h-50, h-75, h-100, h-auto — min-height: mh-100
width: w-25, w-50, w-75, w-100, w-auto — min-width: mw-100
viewport width/height: vw-*, vh-*min-vw-*, min-vh-*
Relative to the parent. 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, and auto by default. m (mw-*, mh-*) = max-width and max-height. v (vw-*, vh-*) = viewport-size.
Spacing margins: m-0, mt-0, mr-0, mb-0, ml-0, m-auto, mr-auto ml-auto
Padding: p-0, pt-0, pr-0, pb-0, pl-0
1 = $spacer * .25, 2 = $spacer * .5, 3 = $spacer, 4 = $spacer * 1.5 and 5 = $spacer * 3.
Stretched Links stretched-link Make any HTML element or Bootstrap component clickable by “stretching” a nested link via CSS.
Text font-weight-bold, font-weight-light, font-weight-normalfont-italictext-center, text-md-center, text-left, text-righttext-break VS text-truncatetext-lowercase, text-uppercase, text-capitalizetext-wrap VS text-nowrap
Vertical Alignment align-baselinealign-bottomalign-middlealign-text-bottomalign-text-topalign-top
Visibility visible VS invisible

Grouped by context from _variables.scss


// line #432
$btn-disabled-opacity:                                      .65 !default;
$btn-link-disabled-color:                                   $gray-600!default;

// line #469
$input-disabled-bg:                                         $gray-200 !default;

// line #530
$custom-control-indicator-disabled-bg:                      $input-disabled-bg !default;
$custom-control-label-disabled-color:                       $gray-600 !default;
$custom-control-indicator-checked-disabled-bg:              rgba(theme-color("primary"), .5) !default;

// line #572
$custom-select-disabled-color:                              $gray-600 !default;
$custom-select-disabled-bg:                                 $gray-200 !default;

// line #619
$custom-range-thumb-disabled-bg:                            $gray-500 !default;
$custom-file-disabled-bg:                                   $input-disabled-bg !default;

// line #691
$nav-link-disabled-color:                                   $gray-600 !default;

// line #730
$navbar-dark-disabled-color:                                rgba($white, .25) !default;
$navbar-light-disabled-color:                               rgba($black, .3) !default;

// line #772
$dropdown-link-disabled-color:                              $gray-600 !default;

// line #806
$pagination-disabled-color:                                 $gray-600 !default;
$pagination-disabled-bg:                                    $white !default;
$pagination-disabled-border-color:                          $gray-300 !default;

Official Documentation

Other Ressources

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