solution • Eleventy (11ty) static site generator - martindubenet/wed-dev-design GitHub Wiki


Eleventy is a simpler static site generator that allow you to create a static CMS website without database.

11ty workflow logic according to Kevin Powel's tutorial « Turn static HTML/CSS into a blog with CMS using the JAMStack »

  1. Install and run 11ty in your project,
  2. Organise your template's logic using a templating language (njk or else),
  3. Create contents as Markdown file,
  4. Compile your site locally,
  5. Upload your project files on GitHub (or other git sources manager),
  6. Host your project on Netlify,
  7. Setup Netlify to (re)build your site everytime your push a change on your main branch,
  8. Setup a dynamic Markdown content generator on DecapCMS to transform your project as a CMS,
  9. Setup your domain name's DNS to redirect to your Netlify project.

Multi langual projects

you can use Netlify’s Redirects and Rewrites features


See 11ty Rocks for more possibilities.