css • Tailwind framework - martindubenet/wed-dev-design GitHub Wiki

Tailwind CSS framework


Install Tailwind locally

  1. Find the npm install commands that match your Framework : https://tailwindcss.com/docs/installation.
    1. Install it in your project's package : npm install -D tailwindcss
    2. Initialize it : npx tailwindcss init
    3. Set it up : ~/tailwind.config.js
    4. Build your CSS : npx tailwindcss build -o output.css
  2. Add the optional node module prettier-plugin—tailwindcss

    When running the build script, this Prettier plugin looks for Tailwind classes in your templates to sort your CSS according to the recommanded layer VS class order.

  3. Install this VS Code plugin Tailwind CSS Intellisense

    This plugin displays the detailed CSS code of a particular class when you mouse-hover it.

  4. Import the 3 Tailwind layers in your project’s main CSS file ~/index.css using Tailwind’s proprietary method @tailwind.
    @tailwind base;
    @tailwind components;
    @tailwind utilities;
  5. Run your project locally
    npm run dev

@tailwind : Importing Tailwind layers in your project

In its core logic, Tailwind is composed of these 3 layers base, components and utilities. You need to import them in the main CSS file located at the root of your project.

base layer
What affects the styling of the entire app such as color palets, font-size, a,a:hover,a:focus etc.
component layer
Reusable modular styles.
utilities layer
Any short hand class that are not covered natively by Tailwind.

« Preflight » is an opinionated set of base styles that comes as default style rules with Tailwind.



@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

* {
  /* this custom style will over-rule stuff from EVERYWHERE in Tailwind */

@layer components {
  .card {
    @apply flex items-center justify-center; /* the @apply method extends Tailwind’s class within our own CSS */

addBase for custom plugin

You can also add base styles by writing a plugin and using the addBase function.


Color classes

  1. Backgrounds : bg-{color}
  2. Borders : border-{color}
  3. Text : text-{color}
module.exports = {
  theme: {
    colors: {
      transparent: 'transparent',
      current: 'currentColor',
      'brand': {
        light: 'hsl(147, 50%, 60%)',
        DEFAULT: 'hsl(147, 50%, 47%);',
        dark: 'hsl(147, 50%, 35%);',

Extending our custom class to a Tailwind/React project

Class names are snake-case and needs to be organized by sub-arrays of sceme within the theme array.

export default {
  content: {}
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        my-color-example: #faf,

@media minimum (default)

<div class="$breakpoint:class-name" />
@media (min-width: $pixelValue) { … }
$breakpoint Bootstrap convention device $pixelValue (default)
- Extra small Phone -
sm Small Phone 640px
md Medium Phone horizontal + Tablet vertical 768px
lg Large Tablet vertical + Laptop screen 1024px
xl Extra Large Tablet horizontal + Laptop and Desktop screens 1280px
2xl Extra Extra Large Desktop screen and 4K TV 1536px

@media maximum

An example of a div that is {display: flex} from Medium (min-width: 768px) to Large (max-width: 1024px) breakpoints only.

<div class="md:max-lg:flex" />


In Tailwind the container class is NOT exactly like the CSS @container; In the later it sets the max-width of an element to match the min-width of the current breakpoint.

Use the columns-{count} utilities to set the number of columns that should be created for the childs within the parent element. The column width will be automatically adjusted to accommodate that number.

To specify the width between columns, you can use the gap-x utilities.

<div class="columns-3 gap-8 …">
  <img class="w-full aspect-video …" src="" />
  <img class="w-full aspect-square …" src="" />
  <!-- … -->

Tailwind is by default a Light mode scheme. As of the current version of Tailwind CSS (v2.2), there is no built-in light: variant like there is a dark: class prefix. So fundamentally « Dark mode » is ALWAYS the exception.

<div className="bg-black dark:bg-white" />

You can also build sites that support toggling dark mode manually using the class strategy.

module.exports = {
  darkMode: 'class',}

Read about « Supporting system preference and manual selection » to know how you can support Light VS Dark mode, as well as respecting the operating system preference.


  1. Font Family : By default, Tailwind provides three font family utilities: a cross-browser sans-serif stack (font-sans), a cross-browser serif stack (font-serif), and a cross-browser monospaced stack (font-mono). Custom font families can be manage either from « ~/tailwind.config.js» or with @layer components{} in the main CSS file.
  2. Hover, Focus and other link states
    <div class="font-sans hover:font-serif" />


More ressources

Dynamic Cheatsheets

  1. https://flowbite.com/tools/tailwind-cheat-sheet/

Prebuild components

  • material-tailwind.com : An open-source library that uses the power of Tailwind CSS and React to help you build unique web projects faster and easier.
  • tailwindcomponents.com : A free repository for community components using Tailwind CSS.
  • flowbite.com : Prebuild components on top of Tailwind CSS.



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