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Terminal command lines

Command Description CLI example
pwd The full path to your home directory
ls -la List all files from the repository (including hidden files) sorted by name
ls -d */ List all (sub)directories within the current path
&& « AND » : Combine two command on one line. pwd && ls -la
touch Creating a new file. This command has its own subset of commands to edit a file touch NewFile.txt
mkdir « Make Directory » : Creating a new folder. mkdir NewFolder
mv « Move » one or multiple files or folders. Allowing to rename at the same time. mv ~/Desktop/NewFile.txt /Volumes/USB Drive/AnyFolder
~/ Root of the active user cd ~/Sites/
cd « Change Directory » : Moving to a different driver or folder. Win: cd /c/
Mac: cd /Volumes/Macintosh HD/
echo "String" >> file.txt Adds the « String » as content within the file echo "# Hello World >>
⌃Ctrl+L Clear the terminal viewport.
⌃Ctrl+Z Stops the running command.
⌃Ctrl+X Stops the running command.
⌃Ctrl+C () Stops the running .sh command.

Change directory to another disk

OS Description CLI example
macOS On Linux OS the term « Volumes » refers to « Drives » for Windows, as a disk on the computer. cd /Volumes/usbT7r/Projects/www/
Windows Windows requires to do it in two steps; First declare on what Drive, then where on that Drive. cd c: && cd /c/wamp64/www/

Shell command lines

Command Description
echo $SHELL Know what shell is active
chsh -s /bin/bash Switch to Bash terminal shell
chsh -s /bin/zsh Switch to Zsh terminal shell
which zsh Validate that you have Zsh intalled


Useful sequence of commands

(1) Make a new folder, (2) move to that new folder, (3) create a new file in it.

mkdir NewFolder && cd NewFolder && touch NewFile.txt

Move to WAMP document root repository on Windows PC

cd c: && cd /c/wamp64/www/
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️