browser app • Google Chrome - martindubenet/wed-dev-design GitHub Wiki

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\ chrome.exe
  • URL to password settings : chrome://settings/passwords

Using Chrome

Force Chrome to show http and www. in the adress bar

  1. Open a new tab,
  2. Paste this shortcut in the adress bar : chrome://flags/#omnibox-ui-hide-steady-state-url-scheme-and-subdomains
  3. In the paragraph titled « Omnibox UI Sometimes Hide Steady-State URL Subdomains Beyond Registrable Domain »,
    • Set the option to « Disabled ».

Chrome Web Inspector

Windows: [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[c]
 macOS: [Cmd]+[Option]+[c]

Google Developers Tips

Use «Chrome DevTools», ounce the Web Inspector window is opened, for

Use the built-in Accessibility audits in Chrome DevTools

  1. Lighthouse audits panel,
  2. Elements panel contains accessibility debugging tools.

Simulate mobile devices with Device Mode

  1. Viewport : Test responsiveness of the layout on different viewport dimensions
  2. Set device pixel ratio : DPR is the ratio between physical pixels on the hardware screen and logical (CSS) pixels.

Inspect @media print

Force Chrome DevTools Into Print Preview Mode (CSS Print Media Type)

Clear Chrome datas for developers

Clear applications tokens

This is important for developers that works on webapps. If you have too much tokens in your browser's memory some applications will stop working properly.

How to clear applications token in Google Chrome


Recommended Extensions

  1. aXe DevTools web accessibility testing. Follow this tutorial on how to use it
  2. All in one web searcher
  3. Alt CSS
  4. : URL shortener
  5. Bit Warden password manager.
  6. Bitbucket Server Extension
  7. Clear Cache
  8. Color Zilla color picker
  9. Google Maps API Checker
  10. Google Translate
  11. IE Tab
  12. LastPass free password manager
  13. Let’s Get Color Blind
  14. LingvaNex translator
  15. JSON Viewer Pro
  16. Markdown Viewer
  17. META SEO Inspector
  18. Page Ruler
  19. Page Ruler Redux got banned by Google
  20. Office Online
  21. React Developper Tools
  22. Session Buddy saves tabs
  23. SVG Crowbar is a Chrome-specific bookmarklet that extracts SVG nodes and accompanying styles from an HTML document and downloads them as an SVG file.
  24. Vue.js devtools
  25. WAVE Evaluation Tool for accessibility check.
  26. Web Developper
  27. WPSniffer - Wordpress Theme Sniffer
  28. XML Tree

Screenshot extensions

  1. Awesome Screenshot
  2. Fireshot : Options > Nomenclature model: %y%m%d_%Hh%M • %t • %S

Chrome Canary

If you want to use 2 second browser for whatever purpose and your a fan of Google Chrome why not adding a second Chrome browser on your station!? ;) This browser is dedicated to developpers. It is kind of a BETA software for what's comming to the default Chrome. The only cons is that is may be unstable. If that occurs, just close and restart it.

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