app • Jetbrains Webstorm - martindubenet/wed-dev-design GitHub Wiki

Webstorms's useful shorcuts

Description Key combination
Comment the line [Ctrl]+[/]
Comment the (multi-line) selection [Ctrl]+[/]+[Shift]
Settings (preferences) [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[S]
Terminal window [Alt]+[F12]
VCS: git Pull [Ctrl]+[T]
VCS: git Commit [Ctrl]+[K]
VCS: git Compare [Ctrl]+[D]

Customized shortcuts

  1. Open the Settings window [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[S] and go to Keymap (2nd from the left meanu).
  2. Search for an available action from the list.
  3. Click it and chose Edit from the contextual menu.
  4. Then do your desired key combination on the keyboard.
  5. Click Applyand Save.
Keymap Key combination Description
Select in Project View [Alt]+[V] Show the active file in the Project view


Webstorms's required settings for projects

The following settings for Webstorm 2017.1.4 are based on workstation requirements by TI Web front-end dev team.

Specifying path to ESLint package correctly

  1. Open Webstorms's Terminal window [Alt]+[F12].

No need to change directory, it should open within you project's root directory.

  1. Type command line npm install eslint --save-dev
  2. Open the Settings window [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[S].
  3. Go to Languages and Frameworks ➥ JavaScript ➥ Code Quality ➥ ESLint.

From the ESLint setting window

  1. Check the Enable option.
  2. Specify the path to the ../node_modules/eslint that you just installed in the project with the command line (step 2 above).