app • Greenshot preferences - martindubenet/wed-dev-design GitHub Wiki
Greenshot is a light-weight screenshot software tool for Windows.
Get Greenshot
Launch Greenshot app. From the main toolbar, go to "Edit" then select "Preferences".
2nd tab « Capture »
- ✅ Capture mousepointer.
- ❌ Play camera sound.
- ✅ Show notification.
- ✅ Show magnifier.
- ❌ Use interactive window capture mode
- ✅ Window capture mode
3rd tab « Output »
- Storage location :
- Filename pattern :
- my default:
${YYYY}${MM}${DD}_${hh}h${mm} - ${title} - ${ss}
- duplicate macOS:
Screen Shot ${YYYY}-${MM}-${DD} at ${hh}.${mm}.${ss} - ${title}
- my default:
4th tab « Destination »
- ✅ Open in image editor
- ✅ Copy to clipboard
Except for those two options above, clear all the others.