Setup — solution WAMP for local Wordpress development - martindubenet/Wordpress GitHub Wiki

WAMP: « Windows Apache MySQL PHP ». Also available as MAMP for macOS

Bash terminal command line to go to my local Wamp environment: cd c: && cd /c/wamp64/www/

Setting-up WAMPserver

Always useful to have these PHP var $localhost_ip = ""; VS $this_server_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; when setting up a web dev environment.

Install WAMPserver

  1. Download wampserverX.X.X_x64.exe

NOTE 1: First, I was expecting to download WAMPSERVER from "" but it was just NOT that easy since, as off december 19th 2019, the english version of the site was redirecting me to a php addon instead of the real (full) installer "wampserver3.2.0_x64.exe". By the time I discovered that the French version of "" offer the good link I had lost a few hours of work.

  1. Launch it and make sure to check ✅ MySQL in the installer window since it is no more installed by default.

  2. After getting it installed, Start it. You should get a green icon if everything is OK.

  3. Define your timezone in WAMP Menu ➥ PHP ➥ php.ini ➥ date.timezone ="UTC" : date.timezone ="America/New_York"

  4. GO to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/.

NOTE 2: No password! When starting phpMyAdmin, you will be asked for a user name and password. After installing Wampserver 3, the default username is "root" (without quotes) and there is no password, which means that you must leave the form Password box empty.

Create my local MySQL database

  1. In the browser:
Login window Value
Username root
Password leave empty
Server Choice Select MySQL instead of MariaDB

Create your local database

  1. Setup MySQL for local Wordpress development