Steps to completing the excersize - martinashTW/MartinAsh GitHub Wiki

I performed the following steps to complete the Veeva Technical Writer Exercise:

  1. Copied the HTML text to my GitHub site, creating a page template to work from.
  2. Created a separate section for the references and a series of bullets so I could more easily display them to the reader.
  3. Added a link to the jellyfish image to the Exercise page
  4. Added the commenting text to hide the "This is normal hidden" text. This wasn't part of the excercise text, but I thought it looked unsightly on the page.
  5. Added a link to the main.js page.
  6. Added a link to the style.css page.
  7. Used the tag to change the Latin text to columns, and added a header to call out this section of the page.
  8. Used the "sticky" element in the CSS to make the "This is a Test Site" header stick to the top of the page (this is the one you meant, right?), adding a grey bar around the text to set it off from the other text. I also centered the text because I think that looks a little more complete.
  9. I added the jellyfish .hero image to the page.
  10. Changed the Click Here button to Veeva orange (which apparently is #f5f5f5 according to the Veeva website).
  11. Used the z-index to make sure the header bar does not overlap other elements.
  12. Added the text "This is normally hidden" to the header bar (I thought that centered with the other text was best).
  13. Left-aligned the "This is a test site" text in the banner.
  14. Centered the "Hello!" text in the banner.
  15. Set a light-grey border around the two columns and changed the font to roboto.
  16. Linked the left column to the Veeva main page.
  17. Changed the columns to light grey when moused over. I know that I was supposed to only do the right column, but I couldn't get that to stick, and I felt that it was more important to work on other items on this list.
  18. I centered the form, set its color to grey, and added a radius border.
  19. I believe I have each input line on a separate line, but I wasn't quite sure what that meant.
  20. Set the Submit button to width of the form.
  21. Linked the JQuery library.
  22. Created an alert while the site loads. It loads so fast that it's hard to see.
  23. Created an alert associated with the Submit button