Ecosystem - marshmallow-code/apispec GitHub Wiki
A list of a few apispec-related repositories. Please don't hesitate to add yours here.
Libraries using apispec
- 4Catalyzer/flask-resty - "Building blocks for REST APIs for Flask"
- ergo/pyramid_apispec - ApiSpec helpers + api explorer for Pyramid REST applications
- jmcarp/flask-apispec - Lightweight tool for building REST APIs in Flask, integrating webargs, marshmallow, and apispec
- kennethreitz/responder - ASGI web framework that uses apispec to generate OpenAPI documentation.
- klen/flask-restler - "Yet another REST library for Flask"
- maximdanilchenko/aiohttp-apispec - Build and document REST APIs with
, but foraiohttp
) - Nobatek/flask-rest-api - REST API framework built upon marshmallow, webargs, and apispec.
- Woile/starlette-apispec - Integration with Starlette.
- Fatal1ty/openapify — Decorator based OpenAPI Specification generation
Example projects
- frol/flask-restplus-server-example - Example application that uses a patched version of Flask-RESTPlus that integrates with webargs, marshmallow, and apispec.
3rd-party plugins
- alysivji/falcon-apispec - Falcon plugin for apispec
- AndrewPashkin/apispec_restful - Integration with Flask-RESTful
- brunoais/apispec-clear-unusable - Plugin for apispec which helps reusing the documentation on a muti-endpoint function/method by deleting rules that are invalid for the current setup
- brunoais/apispec-decorated-crawler - Plugin for apispec which helps reusing the documentation by using a decorated function stack.
- theirix/apispec-flask-restful - Flask-RESTful plugin for apispec
- marshmallow-code/apispec-webframeworks - Web framework plugins for apispec (formally in apispec.ext).
- mathewmarcus/apispec-chalice - Chalice plugin for apispec
- timakro/apispec-oneofschema - Plugin for apispec providing support for Marshmallow-OneOfSchema schemas
- timakro/apispec-swaggerinherit - Plugin for apispec adding support for Swagger-style inheritance using
- ovh/python-apispec-fromfile - Plugin for apispec to import OpenAPI specifications from a file.