agent based modeling - mars0i/research-clojure GitHub Wiki
Lee Spector's pucks: An environment for experiments and education in artificial intelligence and artificial life.
Rich Hickey's ants simulation at Julian Gamble's github page. (I'm not sure what the original source of this is. It's not currently listed on RH's github page.)
Marshall Abrams' popco2: Cultural transmission with analogy-influenced biases, using Holyoak and Thagard's (1989) ACME model of analogy recognition. popco2 is a framework for agent-based simulations in which agents' communication of their simulated beliefs depends how those beliefs do, or do not, fit into analogies.
Abrams' pasta: Agent-based simulation using MASON, with natural selection on (a) agents who implement a very simple model of individual learning by prediction error minimization, (b) agents who don't learn, but produce different types of offspring that are well suited or poorly suited for survival in different environments, (c) agents who engage in a simple form of social learning by copying from nearby agents.
Abrams' intermittran: Experiments with intermittent between-group communication. Uses MASON.
Abrams' clj-agentscript1: A simple illustration of the use AgentScript in Clojurescript. (AgentScript is an agent-based modeling framework written primarily in Coffeescript. It's easy to use from Javascript, too.)
Abrams' majure: Explores different ways of using Clojure to rewrite the Student application from chapter 2 of the MASON manual v. 18.