Home - marniur/utilitycrossdomain GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the Bosch Connected Experience: Utility Cross Domain challenge!
Your Hack MC - Mark Nigge-Uricher - and your Hack Coaches (@Coaches) welcome you.
On this wiki you will find the following information:
- @PitchInfo - Consolidated info on the pitches
- @API - List with links to APIs / IPs within the local network of the BCX
- @Docs - List with links to relevant documentations
- @add. info - Summary of useful links
- @time-table - Overview with relevant times during the hackathon
- @Factsheets - The fact sheet infos from the Monday's pop-up brief
- @BCX Orga - Templates for the BCX and your team
- @Map - Map overview
And here you can join the communication party: UCD-BCX19 Slack