pman (Linux Process Manager) - marler8997/ GitHub Wiki

pman is a linux tool used to manage processes. Some of its features include

  • Sending notifications when a managed process exits
  • Operate on multiple processes using process ids/process names/wildcards
  • Manage processes as groups
  • Update a process group without having to stop/restart the processes in the group


A processSpecifier can either be a processID or a processName. A processName can optionally include the group name, for example, if you had a process named "WebServer" in group "MyServices", the processName could be "WebServer" or "MyServices.WebServer".

Note: groupName and processName cannot start with a number so they can be distinguished from process ids.

Note: groupName/processName support wildcard matching using '*'.

Command status [processSpecifier...]
Description Queries the status of the processes given by processSpecifier. If no processSpecifier is given then the status of all processes is returned.
Returns The status of the given processes.
Example > status
< MyServices.WebServer 2681 Running
< MyServices.JetlinkSimulator 8593 Stopped
< MyServices.EngineEmulation 8594 Crashed
< (empty line)
Note If any processSpecifier contains a wildcard then the return data must include an empty line, otherwise, the empty line is not returned.
Command start [processSpecifier...]
Command stop [processSpecifier...]
Command reset [processSpecifier...]
Description Starts/Stops/Resets the processes given by processSpecifier. If no processSpecifier is given then all processes are started/stopped/reset.
Returns The status of the given processes (after the operation).
Example > start MyServices.WebServer
< WebServer 8493 Started
Example > start MyServices.*
< MyServices.WebServer 8493 AlreadyRunning
< MyServices.JelinkSimulator 7592 Started
< (empty line)
Note If any processSpecifier contains a wildcard then the return data must include an empty line, otherwise, the empty line is not returned.
Command create groupName
processDefinition ...
(empty line)
Description Creates a group of process definitions.
Returns Success or Error: errorMessage
Command update groupName [create]
processDefinition ...
(empty line)
Description Updates group of process definitions. If create is given and the process group does not exist, then it will be created.
Returns The status of the given processes (after the operation).
Example > updategroup MyServices
> WebServer system("apache")
> (empty line)
< MyServices.WebServer 8493 NoChange
< (empty line)

TODO: create format for a processDefinition

WebServer system("apache /etc/apache.conf")

JetlinkSimulator system("mono /root/test_tools/jlvm/app/JetlinkVirtualMachine.exe")

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️