Usage Instructions - marleo/AppDev_FoodFindAR GitHub Wiki

For optimal usage, open Google Maps or any other mapping app in advance and check there, if your compass is calibrated and your location-setting is on.

Before launching the app, make sure you have your Internet enabled, as well as your location settings.

First, the app is fetching the location via the OverpassApi. After it is finished, the buttons and filters are enabled. Now you can add/remove filters and change the desired distance, in which you will get your restaurants/cafes/bars.

After clicking on nearby, you will see the amenities which fit your filter settings. If the amenity has a website, it is displayed with a globe icon on the left side of the element. If you click on that, you get redirected to their website.

If you click on an element, you get redirected to the map/AR-View. In the AR-View, you first need to perform the AR-Calibration. Point your phone on the ground or another flat surface and move it in figure eight, until AR-Core detects a surface. After that press on the white dots that appear on the surface. Now you should get a notification, that the destination was added to the AR-View. Now you can look around and see, where your destination is.