Multi Page PDF Scanning from web GUI - markosjal/AirScan GitHub Wiki

Start by loggin in: Login screen The scan page should appear for non-admin user Scan Page Select the option "Multi-Page Yes", then give the project UNIQUE a name in the "PDF Project" field. After selecting other desired options, you are ready to click "Start Scan and scan the first page. IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED YOU SCAN PAGES IN ORDER. IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT ALL PAGES ARE SCANNED AT THE SAME RESOLUTION 300 DPI IS RECOMMENDED. Scanning As you may note some options will leave temporary files behind. You can disable this option however if you have extra files one that is the original and one that is auto cropped, you can delete one of the copies easily by selecting in in lower right then selecting "delete file". Once your pages are scanned! unknown You could reorder them by renaming and changing the numbers after the originally selected file name. Scanned Pages Once pages are in proper order, click "Make PDF". PDF options

Here you are presented with options the resolution should be the same as that you selected for the scsanned page and the default paper size (set in should show. If pages are of different sizes you may want to try the "Auto" setting on paper size.Once you click "Confirm the PDF will be generated and you will return to the "Scan" page with the PDF document loaded. Scan Page with PDF

From here you can download the PDF to the local machine by right clicking on the PDF preview window or going to "User's Scans" The project files and PDFare saved in "User's Scans" but if you want to delete project files you can do so from here as well.