Hardware, Cleaning and Calibration functions - markosjal/AirScan GitHub Wiki

s400w scanner

Cleaning and Calibration

Cleaning and calibration functions are available from the web GUI and available to any logged in user. You should have the original cleaning and calibration sheets provided with your scanner.

If your scanner is producing black areas around the scanned image this is likely for one of the following reasons:

  • Scanner is dirty and dirt is being detected as image.
  • Scanner Needs Calibration
  • Firmware version of scanner may be very old. Please read the scanner manual to understand the proper cleaning process. clean and calibrate


Please note that some older firmware versions may not support 600 DPI scanning.

To check your firmware version load the scan page on Web GUI then click the "Status". You will see a result like:

s400w command line scanner v1.0-20141122 by bastel

  • Info > s400w: openSocket(): connected to
  • Debug> s400w: sendCommand(20203030): 4
  • Debug> s400w: readResponse(10000)
  • Debug> s400w: get_version(): IO0a.032
  • result: IO0a.032
  • s400w command line scanner v1.0-20141122 by bastel
  • Info > s400w: openSocket(): connected to
  • Debug> s400w: sendCommand(50006000): 4
  • Debug> s400w: readResponse(10000)
  • Debug> s400w: get_status(): nopaper
  • result: nopaper

There is an included ZIP archive S400wScanners.zip that will explain more about firmware versions, hardware commands, etc.

Note: With the Web GUI and sometimes with SANE the scanner will receive occassional commands thereby keeping it from turning off after the normal 5 minutes. This often works fine but can also result in the scanner becoming unresponsive when trying to start a new scan, despite it appearing normal. If this happens, a power cycle may be required. For a full power cycle it may be necessary to disconnect the charging cable if connected.