Basic Single Page JPG Scan from Web GUI - markosjal/AirScan GitHub Wiki

First you will need an account to login. This should be the default web page on your web server. Generally there is a test user by default user/pass Test/test or admin/admin Login screen Once logged in open te Scan page. This is the default page for a non-admin user Scan Page If the scanner is turned on and connected via WiFi to the host machine you should see in green "The scanner is connected". Proceed to select the desired option, color, auto-crop, deskew, etc, then load the page to scan. Page Loaded After a few seconds you should see in green "Page loaded. Ready to Scan". You can now click "Start Scan". Scan done You can right click the image from here to save it to the local machine or it will be available in "User's Scans" later.