Hometask nr 1 - markokonsaFob/RocketChatAutomation GitHub Wiki
Hometask nr 1
Preparations for hometask 1
Forking repository
Go to GitHub page and fork this repository. You can find more information about forking from HERE.
Clone your forked repository and do assignments there!
Clean build to make sure that everything is working correctly
Just to make sure that everything is in order run gradle clean build task
On Mac OS X
./gradlew clean build
On Windows
gradlew clean build
More information how to use this project in project README.
Assignment (Deadline 28.11.2017)
- Create branch called "assignment-nr-1"
- Implement 3 Cucumber scenarios (without implementation) of you own choice with given Rocker Chat application
- Add markokonsaFob ([email protected]) as a collaborator to your repository
- Create pull-request to master for those scenarios
- Assing markokonsaFob as a reviewer