ukmon problems - markmac99/ukmon-pitools GitHub Wiki


I get an error when i run

  • First make sure you have sent the public key to Mark McIntyre.

  • Then check that the ukmon.ini file is in /home/pi/source/ukmon-pitools.

  • also check the contents of the ini file are valid.

    • The location should be the name we assigned your station such as tackley_nw.
    • The ukmon helper's address is
    • the ukmon key should point to the private SSH key eg ~/.ssh/ukmon
    • rmscfg should point to your stations RMS config file.
    • in multi-station configurations the last two in particular should be checked
  • Also check the permissions on the private half of the ukmon SSH key - they must be 0600 equivalent to view/change only owner, execute nobody

  • If all this have been done and you still have an error, follow the advice here to reinstall the toolset.

The ukmon livestream isn't working

The livestream works by monitoring the RMS log for events. If RMS is crashes and restarts, it begins a new log so the livestream must also be restarted. It is automatically started when the Pi reboots, but you can also restart it by opening a Terminal window and typing

/home/pi/source/ukmon-pitools/ force

the daily uploads aren't working


and act on errors as in the previous FAQ.

Something went wrong, can i re-upload my data?

Yes. Make a note of the archive folder you want to upload eg '''UK0006_20210312_183741_206154''' Then Open a terminal window and type

python ../ukmon-pitools/ archivedirname
For example:
python ../ukmon-pitools/ UK0006_20210312_183741_206154

This will upload the data for the night of 2021-03-12, if its still available on the Pi.

Can I reprocess a folder?

Yes, see this FAQ in the RMS section Reprocessing RMS Data. You might want to do this if you've created a new platepar. Note that RMS only keeps about ten days of data on the Pi though.

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