remote access - markmac99/ukmon-pitools GitHub Wiki
The pi comes with a free license for VNC so all you need on your PC is a Vnc Viewer, which is also free (from here). You can also use Anydesk or Teamviewer or Nomachine, if you prefer these technologies. All these solutions connect to the desktop session on the Pi so you can see and interact with the system.
NO. When a connection is made with Remote Desktop Connection aka RDC, it creates a duplicate desktop session on the Pi which will start a second copy of RMS and all the supporting tools. This will interfere with proper operation of the system, and will double the amount of processing and data thats captured. The same applies to 3rd party apps that use RDC to connect.
Absolutely. Just login with the username/password you set up, or if you're familiar with SSH keys, add your public key to the authorized_keys file in the pi user's .ssh folder.
Because RMS is used globally by both amateurs and by teams who run outreach in observatories, we provide multiple options. Observatories may already have say TeamViewer or VNC accounts, or use other solutions for other equipment.
Login either using SSH or login directly on the Pi using a keyboard and mouse, then run the following:
sudo rm /etc/anydesk/service.conf
sudo systemctl restart anydesk
anydesk --get-id
The last commnd wil display the new ID.
IMPORTANT NOTE: anydesk will obviously drop any connections when you restart it, so don't try this while logged in with AnyDesk !
You can remove Teamviewer, NoMachine and AnyDesk using
sudo apt-get remove Teamviewer* anydesk* nomachine*Note the asterisks after each word, these are important!
You can disable VNC using the raspi-config utility which is on the Pi menu.
NB: Be careful not to disable ALL remote access !
Yes. The Pi has a network share which you can access as \\yourpi\RMS_data from Windows. For example if your Pi is called "raspberrypi" then you can see the share by typing \\rasperrypi\rms_data into the address bar of Windows Explorer. You may be prompted for the username and password for the pi. The username is "pi".
As noted in the previous answer, the Pi has a network share you can access from Windows, Linux or MacOS. On Windows, you can use Robocopy, which comes with the OS, to copy data from the Pi. This command will mirror the ArchivedFiles folder, which is where detections are stored. Replace yourpi with the name of your pi, and UK0006 with your camera ID.
robocopy \\\yourpi\RMS_data\ArchivedFiles c:\meteors\UK0006\ArchivedFiles /dcopy:DAT /v /s /r:3 /maxage:10 /xf *.bz2The last two parameters tell robocopy to ignore the bz2 files, and to ignore files older than ten days. This keeps the process a bit quicker.
On linux or MacOS you can use rsync in a similar way.
This is a windows problem and not unique to RMS. Windows generally relies on insecure legacy services called NetBIOS or WINS to identify servers on a network. These are unsupported by modern versions of Linux. However, you should still be able to browse the shares on the Pi by typing \\yourpiname\RMS_data into the address bar in Windows Explorer (if that doesn't work, try using the IP address instead of the name). You may even find that after you do this, the machine becomes visible (temporarily) to Windows network.
You must make sure that each Pi has a unique hostname. This is a general networking rule, you can't have two devices with the same name on the same network.
We recommend naming the Pi after the camera it supports, but with the "uk" in lower case, for example uk1234 if you own camera UK1234. This makes it easy to remember which Pi is which.
To change the hostname, run the raspi-config utility from the menu.
Occasionally you may want to grant remote access to the Pi for support purposes. Here's how to do that with AnyDesk:
- Double click the AnyDesk icon and note down the Desk ID
- Select Settings/Security from the menu
- Unlock the Security settings - enter the password for the pi or rms user to do this.
- Now enable remote access and add a remote access password. NB. This must be different to the user account password!
- Share the Desk ID and password with the person who needs access.
- When they're finished, make sure you change the remote access password, or disable remote access again if you don't need it.