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Monitoring the System
is it ok to run at night ?
During data capture the Pi and camera are REALLY busy. Connecting with ShowLiveStream will slow down both Pi and Camera and damage the output. You should really only connect this way during the day.
Is it ok to use CMS or VLC at night
If run from elsewhere on your network, CMS and VLC are less disruptive so its ok to use them to check things, but its still not recommended to run them for long periods during data capture as it can use network bandwidth, causing lags in data capture.
The disk is nearly full, do i need to clear it out?
No. RMS automatically deletes the oldest data at the beginning of each evening to make sure it has enough space. Because of this, there are usually only a few days of data in the CapturedFiles folder (where the entire night's data is put), though you may have a few months of data in ArchivedFiles. If you're finding that RMS isn't clearing enough space, then try increasing the extra_space_gb parameter in the config file. This controls how much overhead RMS adds to the required space. We recommend setting it to at least 6, but on multi-camera systems you will need a larger overhead. 6 means 6GB.
In technical terms, RMS calculates the size of an FF image from the camera specifications, then works out how many images will be captured from dusk to dawn. It multiplies one by the other, then adds on the value of extra_space_gb. If free space is less than this, it will delete the oldest folder in CapturedFiles. If free space is still insufficient, it will delete the next-oldest. If necessary it will also housekeep ArchivedFiles, though this is rarely needed.
Do i need to update RMS or the UKMon Tools?
No. They're self-updating and check for updates every morning.