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whats this system performance tool on the Pi4?

  1. This onscreen display is a tool called "conky" which isn't strictly part of RMS, its just a handy tool Denis added to the build. It is configured via a config file ~/.conkyrc, and i believe you can tweak what it displays but its left as an exercise for the user to read the manual.

How to switch from gstreamer to ffmpeg pipeline

NB: This is only applicable to a Pi4 if you built/bought it before June 2021. The current RMS build for Pi4 uses this pipeline as standard, and ffmpeg cannot be used on a Pi3.

How to check my pipeline

Check the device line in the RMS config file. If it looks something like this:

device: rtspsrc location=rtsp:// ! rtpjitterbuffer ! rtph264depay ! queue ! h264parse ! omxh264dec ! queue ! videoconvert ! appsink sync=1 ; device id
rtspsrc location="rtsp:// =0.sdp" latency=1000 ! rtpjitterbuffer ! rtph264depay ! h264parse ! v4l2h264dec ! appsink sync=1
then its the old Gstreamer pipeline. To switch to the new one you'll need to recompile some tools, which takes several hours so you should aim to start this in the morning.

Steps to Undertake to Upgrade

  • Edit the opencv4_install.sh file that's in the ~/source/RMS directory. Change the following line:
Note the two dots. They're important, don't accidentally remove them !
  • Save the file. *Run the file in the terminal while in the ~/source/RMS directory using the following command:
./opencv4_install.sh ~/vRMS
  • Wait until the compile is done, this can take several hours on the Pi.

  • Change the device string in the config file to:

device: rtsp://
(obviously, if your camera is on a different IP address you would use that here) * Test video stream by running ShowLiveStream.
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