What is RMS - markmac99/ukmon-pitools GitHub Wiki

RMS stands for Raspberry Pi Meteor System. The RMS system runs on a Raspberry Pi (4b preferred), and uses a low-cost security camera to continuously capture images of the night sky.

In real time, it analyses this data in chunks of 256 frames to look for movement that could be meteors, and keeps a log of potential events.

In the morning after data capture finishes, it re-checks the data, confirms probable meteors, and uploads the results to the GlobalMeteorNetwork servers for further detailed scientific analysis. Additionally, if you install the UKMON toolset, the data are uploaded to the UK Meteor Network's servers too.

If you're new to RMS, there are instructions on how to set up the software here.

The software is written in python. Its maintained by a team of professional meteor scientists from several universities as well as amateur enthusiasts and generates science-quality data used in real research projects. Many papers have now been published based on the data, and we've even discovered new meteor showers.

There's more about RMS and GMN here

Next: How do i install it?

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