Using the UKMON RMS Image - markmac99/ukmon-pitools GitHub Wiki

Before you Start

  • obtain a camera ID code from [email protected]. Its important to do this first as you will need it to configure the software.
  • Determine the latitude, longitude and elevation of the camera location. Lat and Long can be obtained from Google Earth, and should be in decimals to 5 decimal places. Elevation can also be obtained from Google Earth.

Step By Step instructions

  • Flash the image to the card using Balena Etcher or a similar tool.
  • Connect a monitor and keyboard and boot the pi.
  • NB: if using a Pi4, you must connect the monitor to the port NEAREST to the power. If you use the other port, the Pi will appear to fail to boot. Actually its booted fine, but it isn't sending display signal to port 2. This is a 'feature'!
  • Setup wifi by clicking on the wifi icon, selecting your network and entering the network key. You should now be able to connect using VNC.
  • Go through RMS installation steps as instructed in the FirstRun window that appears. Once complete, close the RMS_FirstRun window.
  • Double-click the Refresh_UKMON_Tools icon on the desktop, select execute in terminal.
  • After a few seconds, a security key will be shown. Copy/paste the key into an email and send to [email protected], along with your latitude, longitude and nearest town or village name and the rough direction the camera will point in (eg SW, N, SE).
  • If the key doesn't appear or you prefer to copy the actual file, it is called /home/pi/.ssh/
  • We will set your station up on the UKMON servers and send you a station name. Note that the Station name is different to the RMS ID.
  • Once you get the station name, double-click the UKMON_Config.txt icon. The file will open in an editor. Replace NOTCONFIGURED with your station name and save the file.
  • Double-click the refresh_UKMON_Tools icon again, select execute in terminal. Watch the window and you should see two "test successful" messages. This shows its all working. If you see any errors, email us for advice.
  • Reboot the pi to confirm that RMS starts normally.
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