Network Check Script installation - markmac99/ukmon-pitools GitHub Wiki
You will need some familiarity with Linux to use this script.
- Download the script from here (if the link opens in your web browser then right click and select Save As).
- Copy it to /home/pi on your Pi.
- Make sure the file is in unix format as follows:
- open the Pi's file manager and locate the file.
- right-click on it and select "Text Editor". The file will open in an editor.
- If you're using a Pi3, select File/Save-As and make sure the line ending "LF" is selected in the box above the Save button. If it says CR or CR+LF then change it to LF and save the file.
- If you're using a Pi4, select Document/Line Endings and make sure its set to Unix(LF) and then save the file.
- Now replace MYROUTER with your router's IP address.
- Save and exit the Text Editor then right click on the file again. This time select Properties.
- On the Permissions tab, set Execute to Only Owner then click OK.
- Now open a Terminal window and type the following:
EDITOR=nano crontab -e
- This will open a new editor window where we are going to add a scheduled job that will start the script every time the Pi is rebooted.
- Go to the bottom of the file and insert a new line containing the following exactly:
@reboot sleep 300 && /home/pi/ >/dev/null 2>&1
- Press Control-X to exit and press Y to save changes.
Open a terminal window and type
grep networkCheck /var/log/messagesYou'll see something like this:
(vRMS) pi@testpi4:~/source/RMS $ grep networkCheck /var/log/messages
Nov 21 09:54:53 testpi4 networkCheck: starting
Nov 21 10:06:27 testpi4 networkCheck: wifi went off
Nov 21 09:54:53 testpi4 networkCheck: starting
Nov 21 10:06:27 testpi4 networkCheck: wifi went off