Creating Low Resolution Videos - markmac99/ukmon-pitools GitHub Wiki
Videos of Detected Meteors
If you're using the UKMON toolset, then you can configure it to automatically create
low-resolution videos of each detection by editing the ukmon.ini file and setting DOMP4S=1
If the setting doesn't exist, just add it, and if you're running a multi-camera linux installation, edit the ini file for each camera.
If the meteor was missed
If you're not running our toolset, or if the meteor was missed by the detection algorithm then provided you have at least the FF file there are two options:
- If you have the FR file too, then follow this guidance to create higher resolution video.
- If you only have the FF file then follow the steps below.
Creating low res video
- First, copy the FF file to a temporary folder
- Next, create a subfolder in this location named "frames"
- Open a terminal window and run the RMS utility FFtoFrames to extract all the individual frames from the FF file:
python -m Utils.FFtoFrames /path/to/FF/file /path/to/frames/folder png
- you will now have 256 individual frames in the /path/to/frames folder.
- Using an image viewer, go through these and identify the frames containing the meteor.
- Delete any frames that don't include the meteor, but leave about ten frames before and after so you have a bit of lead-in and out.
- Now, you can create a movie using ffmpeg. For example:
ffmpeg -framerate 30 -pattern_type glob -i '/path/to/frames/*.png' -c:v libx264 -r 30 -pix_fmt yuv420p /path/to/myvideo.mp4
- you can also use any other movie-making software of course. I normally copy the pngs to my PC and use Microsoft Movie Maker.