Creating Higher Resolution Videos - markmac99/ukmon-pitools GitHub Wiki
RMS doesn't store high resolution full frame video, but it does store a region-of-interest around each bright event. This is stored in the FR file corresponding to the FF file.
Its possible to create a video from this using the utility FRbinViewer, as follows:
- copy the FR and FF file to a temporary location
- open a Terminal window and run
python -m Utils.FRbinViewer -e -x -f mp4 /path/to/FR-and-FF/files -c ~/source/RMS/.config
eg if you copied the files to /tmp/myfireball, then run this command
python -m Utils.FRbinViewer -e -x -f mp4 /tmp/myfireball -c ~/source/RMS/.config
Note: if you're not running this on the Pi, you'll need to copy the .config file from the Pi into the same folder, and update the command appropriately.