Development in Eclipse - marklogic/marklogic-contentpump GitHub Wiki

This page is a Getting Started Guide for development of MLCP and Hadoop Connector with Eclipse.

Import into Eclipse

1. Fork the project on GitHub and clone your copy.

$ git clone [email protected]:username/marklogic-contentpump
$ cd marklogic-contentpump
$ git remote add upstream git://

2. Open Eclipse and install necessary plugins.
3. File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects -> Root Directory -> Browse -> Choose root directory of the project
4. Select all projects -> Finish. You might see a dependency error in MLCP pom.xml because MLCP has a dependency on Hadoop Connector (mapreduce directory), and Hadoop Connector hasn't been built
5. Right click marklogic-contentpump project (parent project of MLCP and Hadoop Connector) -> Run As -> Maven Build
6. Type "package" in Goals, and select Skip Tests. Then click Run
7. After it's successfull built, the MLCP dependency issue should be resolved. If not, close the MLCP project and reopen will help.

Useful Plugins


Question How to resolve error "Error Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration"?
Answer This is caused by Maven build phase binding in pom file. The easiest solution is to adopt the "quick fix" provided by Eclipse. See this page for more information on this issue.