Customisation of look and feel - marijnkampf/Random-Photo-Screensaver GitHub Wiki

You can customise the look and feel of the screensaver, at the moment it requires (some) knowledge of CSS, hopefully in a future version it will all work with a nice shiny user interface.

How to

Open the file C:\Program Files (x86)\\Random Photo Screensaver\data\css\_custom.monitor.css in an editor save as custom.monitor.css in the same folder.

 * Generic info text shown on monitors 
 * Make changes you want to apply to all info text in here (colour / font type / ...)
.info {


/*** Clock ***/
#clock { 


/*** Current filename ***/
#filename { 


/*** Database and file/folder scanning progress ***/
#dbinfo { 


/*** Database and file/folder scanning progress ***/
#quickMetadata { 


/*** Used to identify monitor (multi screen) ***/
#identify { 

/*** Normal low priority information (e.g. navigation feedback <<, >>, ^, v and settings) ***/
#showinfo {


/*** High priority information (e.g. errors etc) ***/
#showpriorityinfo {


Multi monitor systems

To target a specific monitor use .monitor#, for example to show the filename on monitor 2 in the top right corner use: .monitor2 #filename { left: auto; /* reset original setting */ right: 0.25em; }

If you make your own customistions please let send me your custom.monitor.css at marijn at abscreensavers dot com. I might include it as default or alternative settings in next versions.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️