Home - marijnkampf/Random-Photo-Screensaver GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the Random-Photo-Screensaver wiki!
Features & Benefits RPS 4 Beta
- Photo formats
- Animated gifs
- Videos
- Improve video controls (play whole video, play xx seconds of video, random start position)
- Stretch panoramas
- RAW files
- Cache networked files
Image database (instant access to all file once indexed)
- Filters on filename / metadata
- Hide system attribute hidden files
- Better/easier selection of folders to include / exclude
- Exclude all subfolders
Multi monitor support
- Synchorised / non-synchronised changing of images
- Clock (none, current time, running time)
- Filenames
- Fit images to screen (in contain and cover modes)
- Zoom images to cover full screen
- Cut off point for portrait pictures (as in Google Chromecast)
- Don't scale up small images
- Same image on each monitor
- Ordering
- Sequential
- Random
- View sequential previous photo in folder (up/down keys)
- Navigate through previous photos (left/right keys)
- Use shift, ctrl + alt to skip multiple images
- Additional & selectable transition animations/effects
- Pan and zoom (Ken Burns effect)
- Ordering
Keyboard shortcuts
- Exit on mouse movement
- Select monitor (1...9 / 0: all)
- Delete current file(s) (to recycling bin)
- Open current file(s) in explorer
- Open current file(s) in custom editor [ctrl + e]
- Automatically rotate images according to exif data
- Rotate (Exif save)
- Blacklist image (added metadata?)
- Set wallpaper (never, daily, every run)
- Set wallpaper from shortcut (W key)
- Allow css local settings/layout override
- Use GUI to alter fonts/positions/colours/etc of elements (clock, filename, ...)
- Ignore database (manually reading/updating)
Command Line
- Update command line in FAQ/help
- /a [path] Sets [path] as current screensaver, example: /a "C:\Program Files\abscreensavers.com\Random Photo Screensaver\RPS4.exe"
- /c Open RPS configuration screen
- /t hwnd [hwnd] /p hwnd [hwnd] Preview screensaver /p 8456 23247
- /on Enable screensaver in registry
- /off Disable screensaver in registry
- /w Set random wallpaper
- /f [path] Run random screensaver on specified path (including database/caching settings)
- Load website
- Kiosk mode (require password/pin for all options but browsing)
- Change wallpaper every x minutes (keep RPS in memory)
- Record last x photos shown / Resume with last picture, have last # history available?
- Update checker / (automatic) installer (excludes exiftool/ufraw)
- File log for debugging images caused a crash (log stored before image is shown)
Suggest a new feature by opening an issue or online form on abScreensavers.com
- Set screensaver for current user (rather than admin)
- install doesn't create or update shortcuts, even if the option is unselected to not install shortcuts.
- Uninstaller doesn't remove sqlite files for non admin user.
- Add ignore this update option
Random Photo Screensaver
Filter not always coming on
Images not updating on Windows XP dual setup
Network drives/folders in folder treeview
If no folder selected (in copy and paste view) treeview computer (all drives checked), but no folders are included
Allow mouse movements for 1.5 seconds after closing config
Add highlight back to config search
Rotate image not updated after previous/next navigation when filters are enabled.
If exclude subfolders is checked and a folder with subfolders is selected it checks all of the subfolders in green rather than greyed out.
If exclude subfolders is checked and a folder with subfolders is selected it checks all of the subfolders.
Apply button for folder changes / apply changes when config screen closed
Save hidden attributes
Remove No images found in folder(s)... once images are found
Still in the initial opening of Settings, I couldn't deselect/select the random timing option. I set min and max to 30s, but the checkbox wouldn't go away. When I closed settings, then opened again from Screensaver Options, the check was unselected.
In the initial opening of Settings, I turned off the clock on both screens, but when running the preview (and subsequently opening the settings again) the clock was displayed on Monitor #2.
The bug is back where 2 panoramic images show up (1 on each screen) when starting the screensaver, but then works normally in panorama mode for all subsequent images.
Fix not loading of config.html
Re-read database content (after changing hidden folder/file settings)
Bug: Config won't be processed in 1 out of 5 Preview button clicks
Run only one rps4.exe process
Cache config settings in C# as playing videos causes DOM to be slow/not available
Shortcut keys using ctrl/shift/alt when exit on keyboard is switched on
Having to press Esc twice after showing and hiding config screen
Hide/show mouse cursor Config screen
Limit history ##,### entries to avoid potential out of memory crash
Store settings from Screen saver Config (add Save button?)
Fix single quotes in file/folder names
Stretch small images
Bugfix: avi movies stay stuck on screen
Don't show images outside folder select (purge from DB?)
Set correct screensaver bounds in preview
Config: Disable show selected folders when in manual edit mode.