Wind Chill Temperature (WCT) - marharyta/apparent-temperature GitHub Wiki

The Wind chill index and Wind chill temperature are designed to measure the effect of wind speed on the human perception of temperature. If the air being cool (below 25 C) and the weather is windy, it feels colder than the ambient temperature measurements tell us. Under the conditions of the ambient temperature being above 25 degrees Celcius the hot wind feels even hotter. (Martinez, I 2018)

Siple & Passel (1945 Williamson, 2003) developed the Wind Chill Temperature from the data obtained with experiences in Antarctica. The equipment was two plastics cylinders, filled with water, exposed to different temperatures (-9ºC56ºC) and wind speeds (0m/s12m/s). The water freezing time was observed. (Monteiro, L. M.  27-29 September 2005)

The traditional way to calculate the wind chill factor has a number of shortcomings, that contribute to having an inaccurate representation of feels like factor. That is why we will leave the Old Wind Chill calculations and describe its shortcomings in the upcoming section.