User Stories Cycle 5 - marcushershberger/MJM-Tax-Services GitHub Wiki

5:1 User (admin) can click a back button when viewing a client's files and year folders. This back button will return the user to the previous view. [Marcus] Link

5:2 User (both) can see site consistent styling that are applied to HTML elements. [Marcus] Link

  • Buttons
  • Input
  • Headers
  • Tables
  • Page layout

5:3 User (client) can upload JPG files to the server using the upload file section on the home page. [Marcus]

5:4 User (both) must answer 2 security questions to reset their password on the password reset page. [Tyler] (

5:5 User (client) can upload a file that has the same name as another user's file. [Marcus]

5:6 User (admin), when viewing a client user's folder, will have a folder view of years. Each year's folder will contain documents uploaded in that calendar year. [Marcus]

5:7 User (admin), will see upon client upload of a file, a notification from their email stating the client's name and client's file name in the email. [Tyler]

5:8 The email being used when a file is uploaded will be of the admin. [Tyler]