User Stories Cycle 2 - marcushershberger/MJM-Tax-Services GitHub Wiki
Admin Login: (testadmin | Testadmin1*)
Client Login: (testclient | Testclient1*)
2:1 (Client) User can upload a PDF file to the server using a page with a local file picker if they are logged in. [Marcus] Page
2:2 (Client) User can view the file names of the files that they have uploaded if they are logged in. [Marcus] Page
2:3 (Admin) User can view the file names of all the files that have been uploaded by client users if they are logged in. [Marcus] Page
2:4 (Admin) User can view a list of all the generated registration links, each link's type, and each link's validity status. [Marcus] Page
2:5 (Admin) User can view a list of all the registered users and how many documents they have uploaded. [Marcus] Page
2:6 (Admin) User can edit content in text-box on the invite.php page. This content can then be sent to the client via email. The content will be generated upon the activation of the generate key button, this allows for the content and the key to appear in the text-box. [Tyler] Page
2:7 (Admin) User can generate a registration key for either a client user or an admin user by selecting one of the options from a dropdown box and clicking the Generate Key button. [Marcus] Page
2:8 (Both) When a user creates an account, they will be either a client user or an administrative user. This will be decided by the type of registration key that they used to sign up for an account. The user type can be seen on the home page after the user successfully logs in. The type of account will dictate which functionality is available to the user. Such functionality is noted in previous user stories. [Marcus] Page