Troubleshooting - marcoraddatz/homebridge-docker GitHub Wiki

In case, that Homebridge doesn't run as expected, please follow these steps for debugging:

1. Avoid multiple Homebridge instances

A lot of issues come through multiple Homebridge instances. Conflicts might require you to completely re-setup Homekit on your iOS devices! Always make sure, there's only one Homebridge instance running on your network at once!

2. Verify your config.json

Many issues appear because of invalid JSON. Before you open a ticket, please make sure that the syntax is ok. A good way to verify your config is to use the validator.

3. Disable Plugins

Most issues aren't related to this package, nor to Homebridge -- they are created by outdated plugins or wrong configuration. This package focuses on making Homebridge run as easy as possible. So if Homebridge runs without any plugins, enable them step by step until you find out, which plugin creates the error. You should then contact the plugin's creator.

4. Open ports

Make sure that ports 5353 and 51826 (both TCP) aren't blocked by your firewall.

5. Set a hostname (Synology only)

To avoid conflicts with other devices, set the DS_HOSTNAME variable in the .env file to your DiskStation's server name (uncomment it first!). The value should exactly match the server name as shown under Synology DSM Control Panel -> Info Centre -> Server name. It should contain no spaces or special characters.

6. Adjust paths (Non-Synology only)

If you're using a non-Synology device, you might need to adjust the paths to your config (/volume1/docker/homebridge).

7. Search the GitHub issues

Before opening a new issue on GitHub, please use the search function to avoid duplicates.