Conversations - marcocusano/mailchimp-php GitHub Wiki

Conversation tracking is a paid feature that lets you view subscribers’ replies to your campaigns in your Mailchimp account.


Post a new message to a conversation.

$params = array(
    "from_email" => "[email protected]",
    "subject" => "Your Subject here",
    "message" => "Your message description here",
    "read" => Boolean
$mailchimp->conversations->createMessage("CONVERSATION_ID", $params);


Get a list of conversations for the account: Get a list of conversations or get information about a conversation by sending a CONVERSATION_ID.

// Send a CONVERSATION_ID if you are looking for a specific conversation instead of a list of conversations.


Get messages from a specific conversation: Get conversation messages or get a specific conversation message by sending a MESSAGE_ID

// CONVERSATION_ID is required
// MESSAGE_ID is an optional parameter, if you are looking for a specific message instead of a list of messages in a conversation.
$mailchimp->conversations->getMessages("CONVERSATION_ID", "MESSAGE_ID");