Automations - marcocusano/mailchimp-php GitHub Wiki

Mailchimp’s free Automation feature lets you build a series of emails that send to subscribers when triggered by a specific date, activity, or event. Use the API to manage Automation workflows, emails, and queues.


Archiving will permanently end your automation and keep the report data. You’ll be able to replicate your archived automation, but you can’t restart it.



Create a new Automation in your Mailchimp account.

$params = array(
    "recipients" => {
        "list_id" => "YOUR_LIST_ID",
        "store_id" => "YOUR_STORE_ID"
    "settings" => {
        "from_name" => "Not an email address",
        "reply_to" => "[email protected]"
    "trigger_settings" => {
        "workflow_type" => "abandonedCart"


Manually add a subscriber to a workflow, bypassing the default trigger settings. You can also use this endpoint to trigger a series of automated emails in an API 3.0 workflow type or add subscribers to an automated email queue that uses the API request delay type.

$params = array( "email_address" => "[email protected]" );
$mailchimp->automations->create("WORKFLOW_ID", "WORKFLOW_EMAIL_ID", $params);


Removes an individual Automation workflow email. Emails from certain workflow types, including the Abandoned Cart Email (abandonedCart) and Product Retargeting Email (abandonedBrowse) Workflows, cannot be deleted.

$mailchimp->automations->deleteEmail("WORKFLOW_ID", "WORKFLOW_EMAIL_ID");


Remove a subscriber from a specific Automation workflow. You can remove a subscriber at any point in an Automation workflow, regardless of how many emails they’ve been sent from that workflow. Once they’re removed, they can never be added back to the same workflow.

$params = array( "email_address" => "[email protected]" );
$mailchimp->automations->deleteSubscriber("WORKFLOW_ID", $params);


Update some or all of the settings for a Automation.

$params = array(
    settings => {
        "title" => "",
        "from_name" => "Not an email",
        "reply_to" => "[email protected]"
$mailchimp->automations->edit("WORKFLOW_ID", $params);


Get a summary of an account’s Automations (Get a list of Automations or get information about a specific Automation workflow passing a $workflow_id).

// WORKFLOW_ID is optional to get a specific WORKFLOW instead of a list of automations.


Pause all emails in a specific Automation workflow.



Start all emails in an Automation workflow.
