2. How to use - marcinkopka/todo-list-app GitHub Wiki
1) Installation and starting application
To install application simply copy application todo-list-app main foder onto your hard drive (or download it from github repository if you don't have it yet).
To start application simply start index.html file located in main todo-list-app folder.
2) How to use
1 - To add new todo simply click onto field with text What needs to be done? type name of new todo and press enter.
2 - To change name of existing todo double left click this name and press enter after finish editing.
3 - To change status of active todo to completed or completed todo to active simply click this box.
4 - To change status of all active todos to completed or all completed todos to active (when completed) click this field.
5 - Over here you will see how many todos is still active (not completed).
6 - This filter buttons will let you change view to display all todos or only active or completed todos.
7 - To delete one active or completed todo hover over its name and click this X when appear.
8 - To delete all completed todos click this element.