Upgrade - marcelohama/cart-woocommerce GitHub Wiki
If you already had installed a previous version of WooCommerce MercadoPago, please follow the instructions. In same way of the installation, again you have two options: from your WordPress Store, or by downloading and manually copying the module directory.
- On your store administration, go to Plugins option in sidebar;
- Click in update now button in your plugin dashboard window;
- In a few seconds it should be installed with Updated! message shown.
- Get the module sources from a repository (Github or WordPress Plugin Directory);
- Unzip the folder and find "woocommerce-mercadopago" directory;
- Go to [WordPressRootDirectory]/wp-content/plugins/ directory and delete the existing directory "woocommerce-mercadopago";
- Copy "woocommerce-mercadopago" directory to [WordPressRootDirectory]/wp-content/plugins/ directory.
To confirm that your module is really updated, you can see in Plugins item in the store administration menu, and check your just updated module. The version should match the just-updated plugin.
HINT: Always remember to make a backup of your system and data before making any changes.