Instant Payment Notification Settings - marcelohama/cart-woocommerce GitHub Wiki
Instant Payment Notifications (IPN) is a mechanism that enables your store to receive messages from Mercado Pago server about the status of a given payment. In this plugin, you don't need to worry about IPN configuration as it is already implemented and configured for you.
When you have a store hosted in a subdomain, for example, it will be necessary to configure a custom URL. Go to General Mercado Pago Settings to configure it.
Subscriptions is the only gateway that you must configure IPN to properly receive notifications in your server. To configure it, do as follow:
In your store administration, access WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout and then, in the listed gateway options, select Mercado Pago - Subscriptions;
Take note of the informed URL in Instant Payment Notification (IPN) URL field and access the IPN/Webhook environment for you country: Argentina, Brazil, or Mexico;
Insert the URL in the field and click in save button. You'll get a message notifying you if Mercado Pago properly accessed your server and received a valid response. If everything is OK you should get a confirmation message.
HINT 1: When configuring or testing your IPN/Webhooks and server communications be sure that your server can access Mercado Pago server.
HINT 2: Make sure that your firewall haves Mercado Pago IP Ranges within its white-list.
HINT 3: Pay attention that Mercado Pago uses TSL protocol version 1.0, so your server needs to support/accept connections with this protocol version.
HINT 4: Make sure that any other WordPress plugin can block Mercado Pago.