Classes and methods - marcbenedi/SAT-tfg GitHub Wiki
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static BDD convertFormula(Formula const & boolFunc)
Converts the given Formula to a BDD.
void init(const PBMin & problem) override
Initializes the algorithm, must be called before loop() and end(). PBMin problem defines the problem to be solved.
void loop(void (Solver::*solve)(std::vector< int32_t > &, const std::vector< std::vector< int32_t > > &, bool &),std::vector< int32_t > & model, int64_t & min, bool &sat, Solver *solver, const PBMin & problem)override
This function executes the binary search algorithm. Must be executed between init() and end()
- solve : function which takes 3 arguments (model, cnf, sat) and solves the given cnf storing the assignment in model and storing in sat its satisfiability
- model : a structure where model will be stored
- min : a int64_t where the minimum value for the cost function will be stored
- sat : a boolean where the satisfiability of the problem will be stored
- solver : the solver used to solve this problem
- problem : the problem to be solved
void end() override;
Finishes the execution of this class, in this implementation it does nothing. Must be called after loop()
This class should not be called by the user because it is designed as an internal class. See Formula for more information.
BoolFunc(const std::string & name)
Builds a Boolean formula of the type NOD_ID identified by name.
BoolFunc(NodeType param_type, Formula const & param_child)
BoolFunc(NodeType param_type, Formula const & left, Formula const & right)
BoolFunc(NodeType param_type, Formula const & left, Formula const & right, int param_value)
NodeType getType() const
int getValue() const
const Formula getChild1() const
const Formula getChild2() const
void setType(NodeType t)
void setValue(int v)
void setChild1(Formula const & c)
void setChild2(Formula const & c)
static Formula newNot(Formula const & f)
Returns a new Formula which is equivalent to not f. The use of operators is more recommendable than this function.
static Formula newAnd(Formula
const & a, Formula
const & b)
Returns a new Formula which is equivalent to a and b. The use of operators is more recommendable than this function.
static Formula newOr(Formula
const & a, Formula
const & b)
Returns a new Formula which is equivalent to a or b. The use of operators is more recommendable than this function.
static Formula newXor(Formula
const & a, Formula
const & b) ;
Returns a new Formula which is equivalent to a xor b. The use of operators is more recommendable than this function.
static Formula newLit(std::string var_name)
Returns a new Formula which represents a Boolean variable identified by var_name
void print(int level=0) const
Print the Formula as a tree. Useful for debugging.
Formula operator!(Formula const & f)
Returns a new Formula which is equivalent to not f
Formula operator~(Formula const & f)
Returns a new Formula which is equivalent to not f
Formula operator & (Formula const & a, Formula const & b)
Returns a new Formula which is equivalent to a and b
Formula operator * (Formula const & a, Formula const & b)
Returns a new Formula which is equivalent to a and b
Formula operator | (Formula const & a, Formula const & b)
Returns a new Formula which is equivalent to a or b
Formula operator + (Formula const & a, Formula const & b)
Returns a new Formula which is equivalent to a or b
Formula operator ^ (Formula const & a, Formula const & b)
Returns a new Formula which is equivalent to a xor b
Formula operator += (const Formula & lhs, const Formula & rhs)
The Formula lhs becomes lhs or rhs
Formula operator *= (const Formula & lhs, const Formula & rhs)
The Formula lhs becomes lhs and rhs
Formula operator ^= (const Formula & lhs, const Formula & rhs)
The Formula lhs becomes lhs xor rhs
Clause(int n, ...)
Initializes the class with n literals
- n : the number of literals in the clause
- ... : an array of literals of size n
void addVar(int v)
void print() const
std::string picosat() const
Prints the Clause in Picosat format
void clear()
int getNumVars() const
int getVar(int i) const
Returns the variable at position i
Clause getClause(int i) const
int getClauseNumber() const
int getNumVars() const
void addClause(Clause const & clause)
void addCnf(Cnf const & param)
void addUnsat()
Adds the empty clause to the Cnf
void print() const
std::string picosat() const
String representing the Cnf in Picosat format
void clear()
static Cnf tseitin(Formula const & boolFunc)
Generates a cnf equisatisfiable with the boolfunc using the tesitin transformation
- boolFunc : a Formula
Returns a Cnf equisatisfiable with the boolFunc
static Cnf convertToCnf(const BDD & bdd)
Converts the BDD into a CNF
- bdd : a BDD
Returns a Cnf equisatisfiable with the bdd
GeneralTimeoutSolver(int seconds, SearchStrategy *p_searchStrategy, const PBMin & p_pbmin)
Creates an object
- seconds : maximum timeout
- p_searchStrategy : search strategy used to find the minimum value for the cost function
- p_pbmin : problem to be solved
virtual bool run(std::vector< int32_t > & model, int64_t & min) override
Solves the problem
- model : vector where the model will be stored
- min : int where the minimum value for the cost function will be stored
Retruns true if the problem is satisfiable. False otherwise
void init(const PBMin & p) override
Initializes the algorithm. Must be called before loop and end.
- problem : a PBMin problem which defines the problem to be solved
void loop(void (Solver::*solve)(std::vector< int32_t > &, const std::vector< std::vector< int32_t > > &, bool &),std::vector< int32_t > & model, int64_t & min, bool &sat, Solver *solver, const PBMin & problem)override
This function executes the linear search algorithm. Must be executed between init and end.
- solve : function which takes 3 arguments (model, cnf, sat) and solves the given cnf storing the assignment in model and storing in sat its satisfiability
- model : a structure where model will be stored
- min : a int64_t where the minimum value for the cost function will be stored
- sat : a boolean where the satisfiability of the problem will be stored
- solver : the solver used to solve this problem
- problem : the problem to be solved
void end() override
Finishes the execution of this class, in this implementation it does nothing. Must be called after loop.
Cnf getResult()
Must be called after convert. Returns equisatisfiable CNF.
void clear()
Clears the class variables.
void convert(Formula const & f)
Converts the given Boolean formula to a CNF which can be get with getResult. The method applies different methods depending on the formula characteristics.
- f : Formula to be converted
void setValueCover(int i)
If the number of minterms of the function is LEQ than i/10000 the function will be converted using a different method
- i : between 0 and 10000
bool worthToConvert(BDD const & bdd)
- bdd : A BDD Return true if the bdd's primes cover enough 1's.
PBConstraint(const PBFormula & formula, int64_t k)
Constructs a pseudo-Boolean constraint of the type formula <= k
- formula
- k
PBFormula getPBFormula() const
int64_t getK()
void encode(std::vector< std::vector< int32_t > > & cnf, int32_t & firstFreshVariable)
Encodes the PBConstraint to a cnf
- cnf : where the encoding will be stored
- firstFreshVariable : needed for PBLib, has to be greater than the last id used
void setK(int64_t p_k)
PBFormula(const std::vector< int64_t > & weights, const std::vector< int32_t > & literals)
Constructs a pseudo-Boolean formula of the type weights[0]literals[0] + ... + weights[n-1]literals[n-1]
- weights
- literals
std::vector< int64_t > getWeights() const
std::vector< int32_t > getLiterals() const
void addPair(int64_t weight, int32_t literal)
PBMin(std::vector<PBConstraint> p_constraints, PBFormula p_costFunction)
Constructs a pseudo-Boolean minimization problem with
- p_constraints
- p_costFunction
std::vector<PBConstraint> getConstraints() const
PBFormula getCostFunction() const
int32_t getFirstFreshVariable() const
Returns the biggest literal+1
int64_t getCostFunctionMax() const
Returns the maximum possible value of the cost function
int64_t getCostFunctionMin() const
Returns the minimum possible value of the cost function
static void solve(Cnf cnf)
Calls the command picosat with the cnf as input
- cnf : The CNF to be solved
static std::string solve2(Cnf cnf)
Calls the command picosat with the cnf as input and returns the result.
- cnf : The CNF to be solved Returns the output from picosat.
virtual void init(const PBMin & problem) = 0
This function should be the first one called
- problem : The problem to be solved
virtual void loop(void (Solver::*solve)(std::vector< int32_t > &, const std::vector< std::vector< int32_t > > &, bool &),std::vector< int32_t > & model, int64_t & min, bool &sat, Solver *solver, const PBMin &problem) = 0
This function should be called after init
- solve : Function from the Solver class which solves a cnf
- model : Place where the model will be stored
- min : Place where the minimum value for the cost function will be stored
- sat : Boolean where the satisfiability of the problem will be stored
- solver
- problem
virtual void end() = 0
This function should be called after loop
SimpleTimeoutSolver(int seconds, SearchStrategy *p_searchStrategy, const PBMin & p_pbmin)
Constructs a Solver with a timeout for each call at the sat solver
- seconds : timeout. The minimum value is 1
- p_searchStrategy : the SearchStrategy used for finding the minimum value for the cost function
- p_pbmin : the pseudo-Boolean minimization problem
virtual void solver(std::vector< int32_t > & model, const std::vector< std::vector< int32_t > > & cnf, bool & sat) override
Function called by the SearchStrategy to solve the CNF
- model : where the model will be stored
- cnf : the cnf of the problem
- sat : where the satisfiability of the problem will be stored
Solver(SearchStrategy *p_searchStrategy, const PBMin & p_pbmin)
Constructs a Solver
- p_searchStrategy : the SearchStrategy used for finding the minimum value for the cost function
- p_pbmin : the pseudo-Boolean minimization problem
virtual bool run(std::vector< int32_t > & model, int64_t & min)
Function called by the user to start the problem solving
- model : where the model will be stored
- min : where the minimum value for the cost function will be stored Return true if satisfiable, otherwise false
virtual void solver(std::vector< int32_t > & model, const std::vector< std::vector< int32_t > > & cnf, bool & sat)
Function called by the SearchStrategy which calls a SAT solver (minisat)
- model : where the model will be stored
- cnf : the CNF for the SAT Solver
- sat : where the satisfiability of the CNF will be stored
virtual bool hasTimeoutOccurred()
If the timeout has occurred, the solution may not be optimal. Returns true if the timeout has occurred, false otherwise.
static VarsManager* getInstance()
This class follows the singleton pattern. There must be only one instance of this class. Returns the current existing instance or creates a new one.
int newId(const std::string & name = "")
Given a variable name, returns the integer representing it. If the name already exists it returns the same integer. If no name is provided a new id is returned and the name is not stored. (This is used for variables created by transformation like Tseitin)
- name : A string assoiated with the variable Returns an integer used for representing the variable.
void freeId(int id)
The integer representing a variable is released It will be added to a recyclable queue where the variables will be assigned again when newId is called.
- id
int getLastId()
void setLastId(int n)
void storeCuddWithId(int cudd, int id)
Relates the two ids
- cudd : the id from Cudd library
- id : the id from this library
int getIdFromCudd(int cudd)
Given the Cudd id returns the id from this library
- cudd : the id from Cudd library Returns an id from this library
int getCuddFromId(int id)
Given the id from this library returns the Cudd id
- id : id from this library Return the id from Cudd library
BDD bddVar()
To get a new BDD var from the Cudd library Returns a BDD var
BDD bddVar(int i)
To get a new BDD var from the Cudd library identified by i
- i Returns a BDD var identified by i
DdManager* getCuddMgr()
Returns a pointer to DdManager from the Cudd library
int getNumIds()
void clearInstance()
Deletes all the information stored in the class