ErrorCodes - maraya/cazuela GitHub Wiki
Database errors
- 1000 - Unknown datasource
- 1001 - DBConn está seteada como falso, si va a usar query o execute esta variable debe ser true (defecto true)
- 1002 - Unknown driver (muts be mysql/pgsql)
- 1003 - Connection error (check your db username/password)
- 1004 - Query error (PDO)
- 1005 - Execute error (PDO)
Dispatcher errors
- 2000 - Invalid type (must be json/xml/yml)
- 2001 - YAML support is not installed, please verify your PHP installation
- 2002 - Service does not exist
- 2003 - Class does not exist
- 2004 - Method does not exist
- 2005 - Wrong number of parameters
- 2006 - Invalid request
Other Errors
- 3000 - Cache engine not supported